Why Adopt a Storm Drain?
Taking an active role in helping create clean water pathways gives residents a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
Taking an active role in helping create clean water pathways gives residents a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
One of the most common ways our watersheds are polluted are through storm sewers and littering. MOCO Adopt a Storm Drain will help the Street Department keep up with decreasing the amount of debris from reaching our waterways. When storm drains are adopted, there can be a quicker response when maintenance issues arise.
MOCO Adopt a Storm Drain is a volunteer program sponsored by Friends of Sugar Creek and the Crawfordsville Storm Water Department. We invite you to become a part of our team by adopting a storm drain in your neighborhood!
Seeing a need for reducing the amount of debris reaching the Sugar Creek watershed, MOCO Adopt a Storm Drain was formed in 2020 with financial support from Indiana American Water Company to provide the public an opportunity to become good stewards of our watershed through "ownership" of storm drains.
Everyone in Montgomery County is connected to the watersheds of Sugar Creek and our actions, bad or good, impact the local creek and watershed in some way, reducing the amount of debris and pollutants reaching the creek will help protect and restore Sugar Creek.
Sign up to hear from us about the drain adoption process and related events.
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